So, back in January, everyone in China and all the Chinese residing anywhere in the world were super excited about Chinese New Year. But unfortunately, all the hearty celebrations suddenly come to a halt when a novel type of flu came on the surface, called the coronavirus. Just two months ago, there wasn't anything that any of us knew. This virus grasped hundreds of people within a matter of days, and in no time thousands of people of Wuhan city of China were infected with this deadly virus. And now, WHO- World Health Organization has declared coronavirus flu/ disease as a pandemic. And now almost every country all around the globe has closed down. Here you will get to learn things that you must be aware of about coronavirus.
Surely, there is neither any need for panic, nor things must be presented in an overdramatized manner. However, with that you must opt for all the necessary precautionary measures as being advertised by the major health authorities including NIH- National Institute of Health, WHO- World Health Organization and UNICEF- The United Nations Children's Fund. So, without further ado, let's understand the basics of this virus, and how can we keep ourselves and all our loved ones safe from this pandemic!
• What is the Coronavirus or COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a newly identified strain (a subtype of a microorganism) of the previously existing family of coronaviruses. Coronaviruses or CoV is a large family of strains or viruses that is responsible for many diseases ranging from mild to severe conditions. For example, in its mild form CoV can cause the common cold, flu, slight fever, while in its severe condition the patient may experience Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) and increased risk of failure of major organs, specifically lungs.
Talking specifically about the major object of concern, COVID-19 strain of coronavirus, this virus is new to humans and that is why it seems difficult to control. This virus was identified in 2019 and as it is novel so there is no vaccine for it to cure.
Experts are learning new details about the coronavirus with each passing day, specifically its relation with SARS and MERS. Tom Frieden, President & CEO of Resolve to Save Lives, an initiative of Vital Strategies, and Commissioner of the New York City Health Department said, “We are learning more about the virus every day. On the continuum of the common cold to SARS, it’s now clear that the novel coronavirus is more contagious than SARS but less deadly. We don’t yet know how much more contagious, or how much less deadly. The number of confirmed infections with nCoV has already far outpaced the total number of suspected SARS cases.” Surely, we are heading in the right direction and will soon develop a vaccine against coronavirus.
• How Coronavirus Spread in the Beginning?
In addition to knowing the basics of coronavirus, how it started, in the beginning, is among other important things that you must be aware of about coronavirus. At the start, people took it as common cold or flu as they were not aware of its terrible devastating effects. And that spread this virus enormously.
The terrifying number of thousands of people being affected with coronavirus came on the surface at the high time, and this is when the Chinese were celebrating their Chinese New Year. At this time of the year, Chinese from all around the globe go back to their home to enjoy the feast with their family and friends. And this became one of the major causes of the speedy spread of coronavirus.
Another early factor that played its part was that Wuhan city of Hubei province of China has a beach on one side. And unfortunately, coronavirus multiplies abundantly in such weather conditions. This is the major reason that the people of Wuhan were the main victims of COVID-19.
And now this disease has spread in more than 110 countries of the world. The countries that have been most affected by this virus other than China are Iran, Italy, and Spain. With that being said, the death toll in other countries including the UK, US, India, and Canada is also alarmingly high.
The number of infected people rises all around the world within a matter of days. One of the biggest reasons behind its global spread was that borders of the most affected countries were not closed down in a timely manner.
Among things that you must be aware of about coronavirus, one of the most crucial one is that if you are living in countries other than US, China, Italy, and Iran, but have visited any of these countries in the recent past then it is extremely important to get yourself tested right away on the airport and isolate yourself in the quarantine for fourteen days. This will help your loved ones to be safe from the infection, plus it is necessary for your further medical care as well.
• What is Quarantine?
People who are suspected to have COVID-19 are kept in the Quarantine. Quarantine means the restriction of movement to ensure that the disease does not spread to other people. Most of the countries have organized quarantines on their airports or borders, where people coming from highly affected countries including Italy, Iran, and China stay for 14 days. Quarantine is considered as medical isolation as here confirmed infected individuals are kept to protect the spread of the disease to the healthy population.
• What is Pandemic?
On March 11th, 2020WHO- the World Health Organization declared coronavirus or COVID-19 a pandemic. All the things that you must be aware of about coronavirus include this as well, and why WHO declared it a pandemic after 2 months of the first case of coronavirus.
Initial cases of coronavirus came on the surface at the end of January 2020. And the virus spread like a fire in Wuhan and across China. In no time, COVID-19 reached other countries as well. And till March, more than 118,000 positive cases of the COVID-19 illness were reported in more than 110 countries of the world. This gives rise to the fact that the disease can spread more rapidly all across the globe, in case of no immediate action.
When the disease spread across the borders affecting multiple regions, countries, and continents of the world at the same time, and the number of people affected by the disease is rising with each passing day across the globe, then the disease is considered a pandemic. We have seen the same situation with COVID-19 and are still suffering through and that is why WHO declared it as a pandemic.
In this regard, Eric S. Toner, Senior Scientist in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering said, "Usually we refer to a pandemic only when it involves a new disease." However, "There is no strict definition of when an epidemic becomes a pandemic—but usually, it means that the disease is actively spreading on several continents with likely continued spread to other continents."
Director General of WHO, Dr. Tredos Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in his media briefing that, “This is not just a public health crisis, it is a crisis that will touch every sector, So every sector and every individual must be involved in the fights.” He appreciated the efforts made by different countries in fighting against the virus saying, "Several countries have demonstrated that this virus can be suppressed and controlled," and that "The challenge for many countries who are now dealing with large clusters or community transmission is not whether they can do the same - it's whether they will." He was well aware of the fact that “we have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled.” However, he was optimistic enough to change the course this time, “Describing the situation as a pandemic does not change WHO’s assessment of the threat posed by this coronavirus, It doesn’t change what WHO is doing, and it doesn’t change what countries should do.”
Amanda McClelland, the Senior Vice President, Prevent Epidemics at Resolve to Save Lives a cause of Vital Strategies, said about the role what role the governments and higher authorities can play in eradication or control of the spread of the coronavirus saying, "People need timely, accurate and easy-to-understand information that encourages protective behavior without inciting panic. Information based on the changing risk of transmission and not politics, fear or stigma is critical. As coronavirus spreads, government, media, and others need to elevate accurate information sources and built community trust while combating misinformation.”
Spreading the right kind of information through government channels and understanding and following this information is the key to controlling this situation. Only if we take good care of ourselves and follow all the right protocols, only then the world can be free from this deadly pandemic.
• Causes of Coronavirus
According to the initial news reports collected, humans get affected with COVID-19 through animals. And the widespread of this disease is caused by human touch. The basic cause of COVID-19 to the animals is still unknown to the health officials.
In addition to physical touch, this virus may also spread through contact with certain body fluids. A major cause of COVID-19 in this regard is sneezing and coughing fluid. One may get affected by this virus after just shaking hands with the affected person, and then touching his/ her mouth, nose, or eyes.
• What are the Basic symptoms of coronavirus Disease?
Among all the things that you must be aware of about coronavirus, having a good knowledge of its symptoms is exceptionally important. If you are well aware of the initial symptoms of this viral infection then it will be easy for you to protect yourself from getting infected or facing the severity of the disease.
Patients suffering from COVID-19 have experienced following symptoms in mild condition,
• Fever
• Cough
• Shortness of Breath
• pneumonia
If you have been in closed contact with the person affected with COVID-19 and are experiencing any of these symptoms then immediately rush to get yourself tested.
• After how Long Symptoms will Appear?
These symptoms may take a period of 2 to 4 days to appear after exposure to the virus. The chances of viral attack increases if you are living in the area of the vicinity where the COVID-19 has spread. In any of these scenarios, be vigilant to get tested and remain isolated for 14 days, thus ensuring that no other person get affected through you.
On 11th February 2020, Prof. Marc Lipsitch Head of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health said, "This is really a global problem that’s not going to go away in a week or two. What makes this one perhaps harder to control than SARS is that it may be possible to transmit before you are sick. I think we should be prepared for the equivalent of a very, very bad flu season, or maybe the worst-ever flu season in modern times." So right now, one cannot confirm it immediately or by experiencing a certain sort of sickness. The whole world is in the process of understanding this virus. But surely, we will get over it.
• What are the Diagnostic Methods of Coronavirus?
Diagnostic methods are one of the most things that you must be aware of about coronavirus, thus getting the right treatment. If you are suffering from any of the above-mentioned symptoms of the coronavirus, and believe that you have become infected with this virus then you must immediately contact your doctor and get yourself tested right away. Many governments are offering free diagnostic tests at various laboratories where you can get yourself checked free of cost.
Before doing that, you can also call the helpline (if provided by your government) or call your doctor and share your concerns. This will help you and your doctor as well to get you treated right away and guide you about the next necessary steps.
Preeti N. Malani, MD, MSJ, the chief health officer and professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Michigan has said that "The evaluation of cold and flu symptoms will often include testing for routine respiratory viruses as well, especially influenza. In general, if you do not have symptoms and would not ordinarily seek medical care based on how you feel now, you do not need evaluation or testing for COVID-19."
For the diagnosis of coronavirus, the doctor runs different tests to strike the possibility of common flu/ cold. And in other cases, the doctor may ask you to remain in self-isolation for 14 days.
• Is there Any Treatment of Coronavirus?
Currently, there is no treatment or vaccine of coronavirus. Basic symptoms of this virus usually fade away with time. However, in some cases, they may worsen and you may need medication for pain relief and fever.
Additionally, just like you take care of yourself in common cold and drink loads of fluid including juices and get loads of rest; you must do that in the case of COVID-19 as well. And if you feel shortening of breath then contacting a doctor is exceptionally important.
Another must thing that you must do is wear a mask. Wearing a mask protect others from you. However, wearing a mask is not necessary if you are not infected. Many people are creating panic all around the globe as they are not realizing this fact that healthy people do not need masks. It is only necessary for people who are already infected with the virus.
• Fatality Rate with COVID-19 by Sex
As per the stats received right now and by comparing confirmed death cases, 4.7% of the cases are males while 2.8% are female. But, one thing is important to consider here that in China smoking rate is higher in males in comparison with the females. And smoking increases the probability of respiratory complications and a simultaneous decrease in immunity; thus increasing the chances of death with the coronavirus.
• Fatality Rate with COVID-19 by Age
COVID-19 is said to be affecting children of less than 5 years of age and adults higher than 50 years of age. And that is because both sorts of cases have less immunity and thereby more probability of getting infected with the virus. Here is an overall scenario of the situation,
80+ years old 14.8%
70-79 years old 8.0%
60-69 years old 3.6%
50-59 years old 1.3%
40-49 years old 0.4%
30-39 years old 0.2%
20-29 years old 0.2%
10-19 years old 0.2%
0-9 years old no fatalities
• How Can You Protect Yourself from Infection?
Protecting yourself from coronavirus is very simple and easy. Here are some basic rules and guidelines that you need to follow to protect yourself from COVID-19,
• Wash your hands frequently with soap.
• Keep washing your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds.
• Use sanitizer, if soap or water is not available.
• Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth when sneeze or cough.
• Use tissue during sneezing or coughing.
• And throw the tissue after sneezing or coughing.
• Remain isolated in your home, if you believe that you are suffering from common symptoms of the coronavirus.
• Avoid physical contact with people.
• Get vaccinated for common flu.
• Avoid sharing personal items of use with others including dishes, glasses, utensils.
• Avoid getting in contact with pets as well.
• Wash your dishes and other utensils thoroughly after use.
• Wash your clothes every day.
• Disinfect all the specific areas with body fluids thoroughly.
• Immediately consult your doctor if your illness worsens.
• If get yourself tested and get positive results for COVID-19 then do wear a mask.
• If you are caring for someone who is infected with COVID-19, then you must wear a mask. However, it is better to stay away from the affected.
• Total Coronavirus Cases Registered in China
Among all the things that you must be aware of about coronavirus, one of the key information to have is how China is doing right now? what are the stats of people being positively infected with the virus? how many people have died? and how many have gained health? Surely the initial stats were shocking, but with immediate medical care and tiresome duty of medical staff, China has survived this pandemic efficiently and commendably, China is now offering its services to other countries as well.
According to the latest stats, a total of 80,849 coronavirus cases were registered in China. Among these 66,931 patients are recovered whereas 3199 patients have died. Currently, there are 10,719 coronavirus cases, among whom 7493 (70%) are mildly affected whereas 3266 (30%) are in critical condition.
More than 95% of patients are recovered while only 5% of deaths are reported. This incredibly positive figure of recovered patients is highly commendable and reflects immediate defensive action on part of Chinese authorities. On the other hand, this also shows that every other country that is now under attack of this deadly virus can recover by following all the right guidelines.
There you have it. We have tried to highlight some of the most important things that you must be aware of about coronavirus. Surely, the situation right now seems crucial, fearsome, and agitating. However, if you closely read the stats, understand how virus affect, and most importantly follow all the instructions constantly being guided by the health regulating authorities all around the world, then you can be protected from this virus. In these high times, it is immensely vital to extend positivity, necessary guidelines, and kindness. Coronavirus does not belong to any particular city or any specific country anymore. All of us, everyone around us are in this together and surely we will fight and survive this pandemic. Just follow the guidelines and stay safe.