
Tips for the Protection of Your Mental Health During the Quarantine

Category : Technology
Posted By : AmnaAnees
Posted Date : 26 Apr 2020 15:32 hrs

COVI-19 or coronavirus has halted the entire world. With the closure of job places, offices, recreational places including beaches, parks, gateways, restaurants, pubs, clubs, etc, and fitness gyms, life is completely shut down. And this has affected the financial, personal, and mental health of each and every individual. No matter how mentally strong or weak you are, this sudden closure of life has badly affected all of us in the same manner. Till now, the only possible way to stop this viral infection is to make sure social distancing, as it can spread just by a slight touch of the affected person, or even any type of material where the virus is present. And that leaves all of us shut down in our houses for an unannounced period. Such circumstances must have put you under mental stress, anxiety, and depression. Surely, it is extremely important to take care of your mental health now more than ever. Here, in this article, you will get to know some exceptional tips for the protection of your mental health during the quarantine. Make sure to follow them in your routine to stay healthy and happy.
Things that People Fear the Most
This time, when all of us are enclosed behind the safe doors of our homes, surely tempt us to outside, meet and greet with people and lead a normal and happy life. However, unfortunately, when we come to the understanding that none of this can happen any time soon, it put us into some critical mental condition. Feeling distressed, and anxious during quarantine is normal, and you must not feel left out. Before getting started with the tips for the protection of your mental health during quarantine, I would explain a little about the major stimulus of depression that people are facing these days. This will help you figure out your mental state and thus you'll be able to pinpoint the best ways to get rid of these fears from your mind. 
?    The Length of Quarantine Duration
For how long this quarantine period will last is the topmost frequently asked question these days. Coping through current disturbing times is surely hard, and these months have felt like an eternity. And this is why the question about the duration of this COVID-19 Pandemic linger in our minds throughout the day.
Unfortunately, the scientific data shows that longer the duration of quarantine, harsher will be its impact on mental health. Living the Quarantine life increases the chances of post-traumatic stress symptoms tremendously. Post-traumatic stress symptoms are an indication of post-traumatic stress disorder. These symptoms include severe anxiety, uncontrollable thoughts, flashback, and occasional nightmares. In addition to these post-traumatic symptoms, feelings of anger, depression, and avoiding behavior also develop with the increasing quarantine period.
In such grim situations, it is extremely important to take care of yourself a lot and follow health guidelines from experts.
?    Fear of Getting Infected with COVID-19
Another great fear that surely most of you must be experiencing these days is getting infected with this deadly coronavirus. Fears of this viral infections have spread all around the globe like wildfire. To understand the panic among people, just see what happened in the United Kingdom when British Government opened the online portal to invite people to get tested for coronavirus if they are feeling they are positive for the virus. Shockingly (but understandably), within just 15 minutes of opening up this portal, more than 16,000 booked the test. Due to an enormous response, the British Government had to close the website as more than 46,000 people tried to check-in.
This certainly depicts the panic, fear, and agitation among the people that this global pandemic has imparted. Each and every country around the world is trying to enhance its testing capacity, as other than social distancing, increasing the tests is the only possible approach to fight against coronavirus, and to get rid of it as soon as possible.
As you must be well aware of the fact that the mode of transmission of this virus is very easy, so it contributes tremendously to adding the fear of getting infected with it. And this fear affects your mental health.
?    Inadequacy of Basic Needs (Food, clothes, accommodation, water, money)
A financial crisis is one of the major fears that badly affect your mental health. In the current scenario, when the whole world's economy seems to be falling apart, and millions of people have lost their jobs, worrying about basic needs like food, clothes, medicine, and shelter is inevitable. The fear of losing everything you have left, without any sign of earning it any time sooner can captivate your mind.
It is scientifically observed that basic supplies from authorities can never be enough to feed everyone, especially when no one is aware of the length of the quarantine.
This overwhelming fear of the end of basic needs can deteriorate your mind's ability to think, concentrate, and plan properly. Thus, it is exceptionally important to follow the tips for the protection of your mental health during the quarantine. For that matter, keep on reading this article till the end.
?    Seemingly True, but Overwhelmingly Speedy Flow of False Information
Fake news, misconceptions, and false information about the virus have spread more readily than the virus itself. Electronic media (TV), social media (internet, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter), and unauthenticated forward messages have been the major cause of spreading fear, and falsehood among the masses. All this added fuel to the fire and had a terrible effect on everyone around the world. Major world's health organizations such as WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Center for Disease Control), NHS (National Health Service) and others have pointed out this thing, and have advised people to not follow any kind of unauthenticated information. This false information can ruin your mental health, thus affecting your ability to concentrate on your betterment.
?    No Availability of the Vaccine for the Novel CoronaVirus
This is a novel virus, meaning that humankind had not been affected by this virus ever before. And for that reason, there are no authenticated vaccines available that can combat this virus. More than 70 universities and research centers are working tirelessly, day and night, to develop a vaccine against coronavirus. But there is no luck till now. Some researchers are suggesting that it may take one year to two years to develop this vaccine, but you never know. However, the unavailability of the vaccine against this virus badly affects your mind. And most of the people keep on thinking about this issue. The access to this negative thinking deteriorates your mental health. That is why it is extremely important to follow the guidelines and tips that keep you away from overthinking all this stuff. So, you will be able to lead a good, healthy, and happy life.
How to Stay Mentally Relaxed, and Healthy in Current Grim Situation
Staying positive, upbeat, and optimistic in these times of global crisis, and chaos has become extremely difficult, almost impossible. Everyone out there is trying best to charge themselves up and hope for something miraculous, that will vanish all this negativity and hopelessness. But, an increasing number of infected people and the continuous flow of heartbreaking news makes impossible.
Nonetheless, hope is the only thing that gets any human being going. In it is in the tough times that nations and individuals show their true inner strength. To revive your moral strength, follow these tips for the protection of your mental health during the quarantine, and lead a better life amidst all this crisis.
1.    Focus on the Positive Things Happening Around
In these grim times, it is certainly not an easy thing to focus on positives. However, it is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself. In addition to the reduction of the negative news intake, amplify whatever good news you hear. No matter how small the good news is, amplify it and feel it's positive energy. This goodness energy can come across in any format, whether it is a news headline, a cool video, a neighbor helping its elderly neighbor, a young kid helping his/ her grandparents, a funny video of children, anything related to cute animals, or whatever. Invest your time, energy, and your mind in watching or hearing good stuff. It increases the flow of positive vibes in your mind, and you will feel relaxed, and at peace.
2.    Reduce Media/ News Time
This is one of the crucially important tips for the protection of your mental health during quarantine, as the flow of false information can deteriorate your moral strength badly. And these days, media houses are competing with each other on who would be using more of the words like "coronavirus", "COVID-19", "total deaths", "lack of ventilators" and alike. Aside from TV anchors, and talk shows, the spread of information through WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, and YOuTube is also lethal. It is highly recommended to cut short your time on these channels. Excess of this information has become of the topmost reasons for a mental breakdown, anxiety, and depression among the masses. You must keep yourself and your family away from all these false and unauthenticated information.
3.    Complete your Medical Supplies
It is highly recommended by experts that you should ask for an extended prescription of essential medical drugs from your health advisor. Living in quarantine will be easier and stress-free if you'd be well equipped with necessary drugs to keep your physical and mental health perfect. However, this doesn't mean that you become a hoarder. Rather just keep as much as your doctor advises, and let not the racks of medicine get emptied right away. Being panicked, anxious, and agitated is understandable in the current situation, but this does not mean that we stop caring about others who are also going through the same situation. It is extremely important to be kind, considerate, and generous towards others.
4.    Stay Connected with Family and Friends
Although we all are feeling distant from the world, this is quite impossible in the age of advanced technology, and the presence of various modes of chatting, talking and seeing each other. It is not like that we are living in a stranded island where we cannot talk to anyone. Rather, we can have a video chat with any of our loved ones any time we desire. Fortunately, this is an exceptional time to get connected with your family and friends, as everyone is free and looking for someone to chat with. Moreover, connecting with your dear ones with the help you think of good and happy things. This is not only great for your mental health, but it will also be helpful for others, as we all are going through similar situations in life.
5.    Do Some Charity Work
Giving others generously is an incredible kind of task. It not only helps others but helping others heal yourself from within as well. Charity work is not only about giving money, but also your time, physical effort, and caring gesture. There are loads of people who do not need a helping hand to go outside and do grocery shopping for them. Now is the time to lend your hand to such people. Do not limit yourself to just your own needs, rather be there for others as well. Societies nourish when everyone stays united against the common enemy. We all should remain united until we can. Now coming to our financial needs. It is obvious that all of us belong to a range of financial scale. Some have been doing exceptionally well before this lockdown, while others (especially daily wagers) were using whatever little they were earning on a day to day basis. Those among us, who are financially stable must remember those who have no job right now. This is not about giving your luxuries to others, rather fulfilling the necessities of people who are in need. Doing so will give you immense peace of mind, and it is one of the easiest ways to remain mentally strong.
6.    Make a Routine
COVID-19 pandemic has certainly destroyed our routine. Nonetheless, to keep yourself healthy and energetic making a new routine especially for the quarantine period is an excellent idea. For everyone looking for tips for the protection of your mental health during the quarantine, simply start by creating a healthy routine. This routine must not only be specific for yourself but should also include all of your family members. While making this routine, you must include exercise, eating fresh food, and taking enough sleep, must-haves in your schedule. In addition to these immune-boosting activities, give a little room for necessary entertainment as well.  To keep the mood uplifted and refreshed, it is exceptionally important to have an element of fun, entertainment, and enjoyment in your life.
7.    Split Up Your Day in Different Tasks
Next up, breakdown your daily routine every once in a while. Try not to follow the same schedule as a pattern of tasks. To keep the excitement and encouragement level uplifted, it is extremely important to shake things a little. Whenever and wherever possible, try to change the environment of the same task or you can also change the timing of a task. Doing different activities at different places will keep your interest level high and you won't feel bored after a while. A healthy mind requires an alteration of the environment and tasks. If you keep yourself busy doing the same task at the same place, over and over, then undoubtedly, your mind will lose concentration and interest.
8.    Eat Fresh, Natural and Healthy Foods
Our strong immunity is going to be our major armor against this coronavirus. And one of the easiest ways to increase our immunity is by eating immune-boosting natural foods. Boosting our immunity is not all about the strength of our physical health, but it is also extremely necessary for our mental health. Some of the commonly available, highly nutritious, immune-enhancing foods are,
•    Citrus fruits: Oranges, lime, tangerines, clematises, lemons, and grapefruit
•    Red Bell peppers
•    Broccoli
•    Garlic
•    Spinach
•    Ginger
•    Almond
•    Turmeric
•    Sunflower Seeds
•    Poultry
•    Yogurt
•    Kiwi
•    Green Tea
•    Papaya
•    Crab
•    Lobster
•    Mussels
•    Berries
•    Oysters
•    Button Mushrooms
•    Watermelon
•    Sweet Potato
•    Miso
•    Pomegranate Juice
•    Wheat Germ
Most of these foods are easily available all around the world. All of these foods give an excellent flavor and aroma to dishes. You can make various combinations of savory and sweet dishes using these incredibly healthy foods. Moreover, the daily intake of shakes, smoothies, and juices can also be great for your physical and mental health. Just having a sip of these refreshing items can make yourself energetic, and lively. Add these immune-boosting foods in your diet and keep yourself and your loved ones happy and healthy. In addition to staying home, keeping yourself healthy is also a great precautionary measure to stay away from this coronavirus outbreak.
9.    Focus on Your Fitness
This is one of the commonly advised tips for the protection of your mental health during the quarantine by all the health experts, celebrities, politicians, motivational speakers, and everyone else. Keeping yourself physically fit is the best thing you can do to yourself right now. Your healthy and fit body is going to be your shelter against the deadly coronavirus. When there is so little to do inside the home, you must maintain your physical and mental fitness to get back to your routine life when all this is over. A daily dose of exercise is as much necessary, as much eating healthy foods, and earning money from home. Sitting idle can make your lethargic, unfit, and in worst-case scenario vulnerable to the viral attack. It is not only this coronavirus that you must fight against, but you must also prepare your body to fight against all other diseases. Physical fitness is joined with your mental health. If you are physically fit, then you will surely be more focused, mentally relaxed, and at peace.
10.    Get Plenty of Uninterrupted Sleep
Enjoying long hours of uninterrupted, and peaceful sleep our key to mental health. If you are stressed or depressed then you won't be able to sleep for long hours. This goes in another direction as well, meaning that if you are not getting peaceful sleep then you will feel anxious and agitated. And this can badly affect your mental health. To protect your mental health, it is extremely important to take at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep. This will boost your mental health, and you will feel happy, healthy, and refreshed in the morning.
11.    Play Online Games to Fight Boredom
This is among those tips for the protection of your mental health during the quarantine that every one of you will surely like. Feeling bored is inevitable in such circumstances. Interestingly, we all wanted to have a break from our tiring routine, and now we all want our jobs back. Well, of course, none of us wanted this outbreak in our lives for sure. Nonetheless, when we are fighting against this pandemic by sitting inside our homes, we all also feel bored. Now, what should you do to break this boredom? One of the easiest ways to consume your time is by playing online games. Several online games are available online. You can play brain games, fighting games, adventurous games, quests, or whatever. There are hundreds of different types of games available on the internet that you can enjoy. This will keep your mind activated and away from the negative thoughts.

There you go! We recommend you to add all of these above-mentioned tips in your quarantine life. Keeping your mind, healthy, and active is extremely important to cope up with this situation. We wish you a happy, healthy and blissful life.

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