One who is not familiar with his history, cannot make a strong future. To know who you are, where your ancestors have come from, and what had happened in the history of your country are some of the most important questions that will make you understand your identity. The answers to these questions will give you a foundation to built your present and future. Here you get to know the most important facts and information about the life of Abraham Lincoln. One historic figure who is remarkably famous and prominent in American history. Learning about his life and saying will get you to relate the present political scenario of the United States as well. So, without further ado, let's get started.
? When and Where was Abraham Lincoln born?
Abraham Lincoln, also famously known as the Great Emancipator, the Rail-Splitter, or Honest Abe was born on February 12, 1809, near a small town Hodgenville in Kentucky state of the United States.
? When Abraham Lincoln Died?
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated at the age of 56, on April 1, 1865, in Washington, D.C., United States.
? How Abraham Lincoln died?
This is one of the most heartbreaking and crucial facts and information about the life of Abraham Lincoln. He was the first American president who was killed during his presidential tenure.
? Who Abraham Lincoln Married to?
Abraham Lincoln got married on June 12, 1806, with Nancy Hanks. The couple had three children, two sons and a daughter named Abraham, Thomas, and Sara.
? Presidential Term of Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th president of the United States. He served at this position from 1861 to 1865.
? What are the Major Accomplishments of Abraham Lincoln?
The facts and information about the life of Abraham Lincoln are definitely incomplete without mentioning Lincoln's contribution to the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln is known for leading the United States in the American Civil War. He led the Northern States and with his genius and bold leadership, he defeated the Southern States. Thus leading from the front in keeping American united.
There is a long list of Abraham Lincoln's accomplishments. Here are the top ones,
• Abraham Lincoln served in the U.S House of Representatives from the State of Illinois for one term, from 1847 to 1849.
• Abraham Lincoln won 180 out of 303 Electoral College votes to get elected as the United States President.
• Lincoln ignited the spirit of the nation by reminding the Declaration of Independence on November 19, 1863, saying, “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” and the United States was " dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
• Abraham Lincoln's strong foreign policy kept other countries to intrude in the internal matters of the United States during the crucial period of civil war.
• One of the major feathers in Lincoln's crown is his support for the Thirteenth Amendment. This amendment officially aborted slavery in the United States.
• He issued the Emancipation Proclamation. This marked the beginning of the process of the freedom of slaves in America. This document also allowed Blacks to fight in the Civil War.
• Major legislation that was signed in the presidency of Abram Lincoln was the Morrill Act, the National Banking Act, the Homestead Act, and the transcontinental railroad.
• Abraham Lincoln was a great writer. He wrote letters, speeches, and books. Especially his letter to Lydia Bixby, Grace Bedell, Fanny McCullough, and Horace Greeley is among the most famous and prominent ones. These letters let people understand the fundamental philosophy of Abraham Lincoln.
• Abraham Lincoln's personality and his achievements proved to be a remarkable legacy for the future presidents of the United States. During his campaign for the presidential elections, Barack Obama emphasizes strongly on following the footnotes of Abraham Lincoln.
• There is a long list of speeches of Abraham Lincoln. Some of his most famous and well-recognized speeches include the Second Inaugural Address. , the Gettysburg Address, the First Inaugural Address, the Cooper Union Address and the House Divided Speech
• The quotes of Abraham Lincoln are among the most popular and most-read quotes in the world. And that is why we have included a few of the most inspirational quotes of Abraham Lincoln here for you.
? Abraham Lincoln's Quotes on Slavery
While writing the facts and information about the life of Abraham Lincoln, one particular aspect of his life that remained prominent throughout his career is Lincoln's views on slavery. Abraham Lincoln was a firm opponent of slavery. However, the biggest problem he faced to convince his fellowmen on this issue was that the constitution of the United States of America, as devised by the founding fathers, protected this institution. Though the word slavery was not used as is, as it seemed that the founding fathers were too not sure about how to address the issue. Here, we have shared snippets of Abraham Lincoln's most famous political speeches, addresses, and letters to understand his views about slavery.
• In a letter to James N. Brown written on October 18, 1858, Abraham Lincoln wrote, "I believe the declara[tion] that 'all men are created equal' is the great fundamental principle upon which our free institutions' rest; that negro slavery is violative of that principle; but that, by our frame of government, that principle has not been made one of a legal obligation; that by our frame of government, the States which have slavery are to retain it, or surrender it at their own pleasure; and that all others---individuals, free-states and national government---are constitutionally bound to leave them alone about it. I believe our government was thus framed because of the necessity springing from the actual presence of slavery when it was framed. That such necessity does not exist in the territories[sic], where slavery is not present." In this letter, Abraham Lincoln has explained the legislative presence of slavery while saying that all men are equal and no discrimination must be done. And while the constitution was framed, slavery existed in some states while not in others and thus the issue was not addressed thoroughly.
• Touching the same subject once again at the Lincoln-Douglas Debate at Quincy" on October 13, 1858, he said, "In the first place, I insist that our fathers did not make this nation half slave and half free, or part slave and part free. I insist that they found the institution of slavery existing here. They did not make it so, but they left it so because they knew of no way to get rid of it at that time." This showed his political diplomacy as he was respectful in addressing the constitutional writings of the founding fathers whereas simultaneously pointing out the missing point of slavery and was keen on working on it.
• In his famous 'House-Divided' Speech in Springfield, Illinois on June 16, 1858, Abraham Lincoln emphasized the unity of a nation and the equality of a nation. He was a firm believer in the fact that no nation can touch the heights of supremacy while quarreling with one another. He said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half-slave and half-free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved - I do not expect the house to fall - but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other." To reach supremacy over the world staying united was the key factor for the United States.
• Though at the start of his political career, Abraham Lincoln was somewhat neutral over the concept of slavery, as time passed his passion for the equal right of all the Americans became firmer. In Letter to Albert G. Hodges on April 4, 1864, he said, "I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I cannot remember when I did not so think, and feel." This statement depicts that he always thought against slavery all his life.
• In Lincoln's Second Annual Message to Congress delivered on December 1, 1862, he said, "In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free - honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth. Other means may succeed; this could not fail. The way is plain, peaceful, generous, just - a way which, if followed, the world will forever applaud, and God must forever bless." Leaning the facts and information about the life of Abraham Lincoln let us understand his basic psychology in bringing down slavery and keeping his country united.
• In Letter To Henry L. Pierce and Others in 1858, Lincoln wrote, "Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, cannot long retain it." Every human being is equal in the eye of God, and the same must be true in every nation. And for the legislation against slavery, it was and still is important for every woman and man to consider slavery bad for everybody. If it is wrong for you then it is wrong for others as well.
• On December 15, 1860, in his Letter to John A. Gilmer, Abraham Lincoln wrote, "You think slavery is right and ought to be extended; we think it is wrong and ought to be restricted. For this, neither has any just occasion to be angry with the other."
• While giving a speech at Peoria, Illinois, on October 16, 1854, Abraham Lincoln described the core problem with the institution of slavery. He said, "Slavery is founded in the selfishness of man's nature - opposition to it, is his love of justice. These principles are an eternal antagonism; and when brought into collision so fiercely, as slavery extension brings them, shocks, and throes, and convulsions must ceaselessly follow " Opposing the core principle of slavery is the basics of being a good human. Things which you dislike for yourselves, how can you justify for others? The facts and information about the life of Abraham Lincoln make us understand that Abraham Lincoln did not consider himself high and above on the basis of his color, rather he considered that discriminating human beings on such grounds is degrading.
• In a letter to Horace Greeley written on August 22, 1862, Abraham Lincoln wrote, "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause." This statement is the testament to Abraham Lincoln's grave interest in keeping America united while addressing the issues regarding constitutional and human rights of slavery at the same time.
• In a speech delivered at Springfield, Illinois on October 4, 1854, Abraham Lincoln glorified America's contribution in accepting the institution of slavery and never fully eradicating it from the system. He said, "We were proclaiming ourselves political hypocrites before the world, by thus fostering Human Slavery and proclaiming ourselves, at the same time, the sole friends of Human Freedom." While America preaches equal rights for every human being, keeping the slavery system alive seemed a joke.
• Abraham Lincoln made a fair point by saying, "As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy. Whatever differs from this to the extent of the difference, is no democracy." He wrote it in Fragment on Democracy on August 1, 1858.
• The argument that the institution of slavery is fair just because as is written in the constitution and thus it is just was not accepted by Abraham Lincoln. He said, “They believe that institution of slavery is founded on both injustice and bad policy; but that the promulgation of abolition doctrines tends rather increase than to abate its evils. They believe that the congress of the United States has no power, under the constitution, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the different States. They believe that the Congress of the United States has the power, under the constitution, to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia; but that that power ought not to be exercised unless at the request of the people of said District. The difference between these opinions and those contained in the said resolutions is their reason for entering this protest.” He said while participating in a protest of the anti-abolitionist resolution adopted by the State legislature on January 20. He was joined by Dan Stone, Illinois State Representatives on March 3, 1837. When you dive into learning the facts and information about the life of Abraham Lincoln, you will explore different dimensions of his life, the most prominent of which is his actions against slavery.
• In his letter to Joshua Speed written on August 24, 1855, Abraham Lincoln said, “You know I dislike slavery…. I confess I hate to see the poor creatures hunted down, and caught, and carried back to their stripes, and unrewarded toils, but I bite my lip and keep quiet. … You may remember, as I will do, that … there were, on board, ten or a dozen slaves, shackled together with irons. The sight was a continual torment to me, and I see it something like every time I touch the Ohio, or any other slave-border. … You ought … to appreciate how much the great body of the Northern people do crucify their feelings, in order to maintain their loyalty to the constitution and the Union. I do oppose the extension of slavery because my judgment and feelings so prompt me… The slave-breeders and slave-traders, are a small, odious, and detested class, among you..." And this is what all Americans are fighting for right now. It shows that the current movement of "Black Lives Matter" is not a new one rather sane minded people are fighting for the justice of Blacks for centuries.
• Abraham Lincoln was well aware of the fact that it is quite impossible to completely eradicate the institution of slavery as it was deep-rooted. He said in 1855, “That Spirit which desired the peaceful extinction of slavery, has itself become extinct… The autocrat of all the Russia will resign his crown, and proclaim his subjects free republicans sooner than will our American Masters voluntarily give up their slaves.” This also showed his strong disapproval for partition of the country based on constitutional disagreements.
• Though Abraham Lincoln had always advocated against slavery, however on September 18, 1858, in Illinois at the fourth debate while contesting for the US Senate against Stephen Douglas, Abraham Lincoln made it clear that he was not in favor of the equality of black and white race. As he said, “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races,--that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to inter-marry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.” Such views make things a little foggy as he started his views saying that he is against the voting rights for blacks, holding offices, or marrying whites.
• In the same contest, when Lincoln-Douglas Debate at Galesburg held on October 7, 1858, Abraham Lincoln said, "Now, I confess myself as belonging to that class in the country who contemplate slavery as a moral, social and political evil, having due regard for its actual existence amongst us and the difficulties of getting rid of it in any satisfactory way, and to all the constitutional obligations which have been thrown about it; nevertheless, desire a policy that looks to the prevention of it as a wrong, and looks hopefully to the time when as a wrong it may come to an end." Though he was well aware of the fact that the roots of slavery are deep engraved in the core of the American society but still he was hopeful of the day when Americans would be able to see far behind it.
There you go. These facts and information about the life of Abraham Lincoln surely seemed quite relevant in the current political environment of the world, especially of America's. Abraham Lincoln was quite strong in his views against slavery and for giving equal opportunities to the Black people. In his last speech, delivered on April 11, 1865, he said that Black people who fought in serving the Union in the Civil War must be given the right to vote. In the present day, there is much to learn from the life and teachings of Abraham Lincoln.