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Job Email Alerts

Job seekers wanting to get Job Email Alerts for jobs in Ethiopia: please login into your account (register if you don't have one), go to the Jobs section, and look for Job Email Alert link, and complete the setup. It is very IMPORTANT that the Email Alert Page be setup properly. You can access setup insurtions by clicking here: Job Email Alert Instructions. EthioJobs net seekers wishing to apply for any job vacancies in Ethiopia must follow instructions given in the job description for each vacancy and apply accordingly. Unless otherwise stated, you must send your application package to the employer directly. Thank you!

Important Notes to Job Seekers:

Writing great resume and cover letter is one of the most important steps you can take in securing your next perfect Job vacancy in Ethiopia. Poorly written resumes and/or cover letters are one of the common reasons why many job seekers in Ethiopia do not even get the opportunity for interviews for job vacancies in Ethiopia. Ezega Blogs has resources to help you write excellent resumes and cover letters. You can also download from our site specially selected resume and cover letter samples that you can customize to fit your needs for any Ethio jobs.

Take the time to write excellent resumes and cover letters. Start with well-designed samples, rather than from scratch, and edit and customize to meet your needs before applying for any jobs in Ethiopia. Have it checked for errors and typos by others to make sure that everything is fine. Do it right the first time before you apply for any jobs from Ezega, or other sotes such as EmployEthiopia, Mjobs or EthioJobs net. Remember, once the wrong resume and cover letter is out, there is no way to get it back and correct.

Please click here to download 16 Resume Samples from Ezega Jobs resources.

Please click here to download 5 Cover Letter Samples from Ezega Jobs resources.

Please click here to read about How to Write Perfect Cover Letter for any Ethio Jobs.

Please click here to read 12 Costly Resume Mistakes You Should Avoid before applying for job vacancies in Ethiopia.

How to Get Interviews:

Many job seekers in Ethiopia get frustrated because they apply to many places, but never get called for interviews. This is happening to many job seekers applying for various jobs in Ethiopia through job portals such Ezega Jobs, EmployEthiopia, EthioJobs, Mjobs, etc. In many cases, the reasons are simple and common.

Regardless of whether you are applying from mjobs or employethiopia or any other, the hiring manager normally gets many resumes to review. The number one question in the mind of the hiring manager is who among the many applicants can best handle the job at hand. The only way to tell prior to interviews is through resumes and cover letters. The hiring manager would normally look for someone who has done something similar or at least one who showed interest in the work being advertised. If your cover letter so generic (the same for all jobs), you will be talking about something else not related to the job you are applying - which means, in the eye of the hiring manager, you are not suitable for the job you are applying. So, it is extremely important that you edit the cover letter for each job you are applying to show interest in the job, and to mention something related that you have done or studied in the past. The main point is that you are conveying a message to the hiring manager that you understand what the job needs and you have done or studied something related to the job you are applying.

You may also edit you resume for each job you are applying to highlight any study or work you have done that is a requirement for the job. That way the hiring manager doesn't have to look hard to find it. Remember, hiring managers barely have a few minutes to spend on each job application. So, putting up front or highlighting the relevant skills or knowledge you have increases your chance of getting called for interview.

Also, please answer any questions the hiring manager is asking in the vacancy announcement. If it was asked that you must have certain computer skills, please state that in your cover letter and resume. If the vacancy post asks to state your typing speed in words per minute, you should state that in your cover letter. That will be greatly appreciated by the hiring manager for any jobs here, ethiojobs net or mjobs. If you ignore any requests or questions like these that the job post requests, it means you are not giving any attention to details of the job application requirements, and the chances of you getting called for interview becomes very low.

Finally, please send only what is asked in the vacancy announcement. If the job post asks you to send only cover letter and resume, just send the cover letter and resume - not all documents you have.

For more advice on crareers, please visit our Ezega Employement and Career Center in our Entertainment/Blogs section. There, you will find numerous articles that can help you in job hunting, job interviews, salary negotiations, career growth, and much more.

Ethiopian Job Statistics

Jobs/Resumes Status
Total Jobs : 135
Total Resumes : 4358
Total Companies : 1534

All Time Jobs Active Jobs


Education Level

Experience Level

Jobs By Category

Category Name Jobs  
Accounting 14070 ethiopian jobs
Administration/HR 2592 ethiopian jobs
Agriculture 1088 ethiopian jobs
Arts/Music 70 ethiopian jobs
Automotive/Machinery/Mechanic 5282 ethiopian jobs
Banking 758 ethiopian jobs
Biotech 46 ethiopian jobs
Clerk 229 ethiopian jobs
Construction/Architecture 2040 ethiopian jobs
Economics 1692 ethiopian jobs
Education/Training 3842 ethiopian jobs
Engineering 12783 ethiopian jobs
Environmental/Development/Resources 389 ethiopian jobs
Finance 673 ethiopian jobs
Food/Hospitality/Hotel 3300 ethiopian jobs
General 862 ethiopian jobs
Geology/Mining 140 ethiopian jobs
Graduates 46 ethiopian jobs
Healthcare 3463 ethiopian jobs
Information Technology 4382 ethiopian jobs
Insurance 75 ethiopian jobs
Junior/Trainee 142 ethiopian jobs
Legal 1140 ethiopian jobs
Management 8814 ethiopian jobs
Manufacturing 147 ethiopian jobs
Marketing 3819 ethiopian jobs
Media/Journalism/Communications 665 ethiopian jobs
Natural Sciences/R&D 433 ethiopian jobs
Other 778 ethiopian jobs
Pharmaceutical 463 ethiopian jobs
Professional/Executive 61 ethiopian jobs
Public Service 19 ethiopian jobs
Purchasing/Supply Management 4353 ethiopian jobs
Quality & Safety 164 ethiopian jobs
Sales/Marketing/Advertising 1249 ethiopian jobs
Secretarial 4262 ethiopian jobs
Security 396 ethiopian jobs
Skilled 35 ethiopian jobs
Social Science 1329 ethiopian jobs
Statistics 243 ethiopian jobs
Surveying/Drafting 1078 ethiopian jobs
Technical/Crafts 2221 ethiopian jobs
Telecommunications 31 ethiopian jobs
Transportation/Travel/Tourism 1577 ethiopian jobs
Veterinary/Animal Science 149 ethiopian jobs

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