Ethiopia: Home to Second Highest Number of Orthodox Christians in the World
April 16, 2017 - Orthodox Christianity is one of three distinct branches of the Christian religion (the other two being the Catholic and Protestant branches). Being an Orthodox Christian means following the earliest known set of Christian doctrines. Believers follow the Homoousian doctrine which declares that Jesus is both God and man. The Great Schism of 1054 brought on a separation of the Orthodox religion due to the difference of opinion on such things as the Holy Spirit, bread for the Eucharist, use of images, and the date of Easter. This separation created what today is the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox church. The Orthodox Church is one of
With Fertility Rate of 5.7, Ethiopia Ranks 6th in the World
April 16, 2017 - The average woman in Ethiopia has a fertility rate of 5.7, ranking 6th in the world, according to the statistics in That means the average woman in Ethiopia gives birth to between 5 and 6 children in her lifetime. Niger has the highest fertility rate in the world, according to this data, estimated at 7.08 births per woman, followed by Uganda at 6.44, and Mali at 5.84.
Most countries scoring high on this index are from Africa. In fact, fully 42 of the top 50 countries with the highest fertility rate countries are from Africa. Whereas this data shows the future man power potential of Africa, it is also an
Ethiopia 5th Largest Investor in Renewable Energy in Africa - Report
January 24, 2017 - Ethiopia is the 5th largest investor in renewable energy at USD 100 million, according to the Renewable, Global Status Report, according to Capital. South Africa leads in renewable energy investment followed by Morocco, the second largest renewable energy investor at USD two billion. Kenya comes to third with investments worth USD 357 million and Uganda at USD 134 million is fourth.
Ethiopia has over half a million solar lighting systems and over four million installed clean cooking stoves, making the country among the top five in Africa when it comes to using these technologies, according to the repo
Top 10 High Democracy Index African Countries
December 4, 2016 - Measuring democracy is a highly complex task and there is no universal mertic for it. As in everything politics, any measure in this regard is going to be subject to debate and interpretation. Nevertheless, here is one metric, the Democracy Index, that has been quoted in many circles around the world in recent years.
The Democracy Index is an index compiled by the UK based Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), that measures the state of democracy in 167 countries, of which 166 are sovereign states and 165 are UN member states. The index is based on 60 indicators grouped in five different categories measuring pluralism, civil l
The 13 Fastest-Growing Economies in the World
November 28, 2016 - China's crazy growth has been one of the biggest stories over the past several decades. But the Chinese economy certainly isn't the only one posting huge growth rates.
A list of 13 countries was compiled with the highest projected compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) from 2014 through 2017 based on the forecasts from the World Bank's Global Economic Prospects. A list of the top fastest growing economies is presented below, based on 2014-2017 projections.
Ethiopia ranks first, followed by Turkmenistan and Democratic Republic of the Congo.
13. China
2015 GDP: +7.10%
2016 GDP: +7.00%
Least Religious Countries In The World
November 27, 2016 - Whereas some countries of the world are deeply religious, others are not so. Gallup polled people around the world to find out the percent of the population by country who believe in some religion. Here is a list of top ten countries that are least religious in the world. The percent shown next to the country's name is the portion of the poputation who believe in religion in each country. China tops the list, followed by Japan and Estonia.
10. Vietnam 34%
Only 34% of the residents of Vietnam consider religion to be an important part of their daily lives, as per a recent WIN/Gallup polling. Perhaps the p
The 10 Most Beautiful Towns And Cities In Africa
November 18, 2016 - The African continent is not only about impressive animals, stunning deserts and beautiful savannahs. It is also home to astonishing cities and towns that are rich in history and culture, according Here is a list of the 10 most charming cities and towns to visit in Africa, ranked by this site. Ethiopia's Bahir Dar is one of them. (Way to go, Bahir Dar!!!)

Cape Town | South Africa
Cape Town is a vibrant and colorful city with stunning beaches, beautiful mountains and some of the best vineyards in Africa. Taking the cable car ride to the top of Table Mountain at sunris
ROBERT MUGABE, 84, president of Zimbabwe, 28 years in power
KING ABDULLAH , 84, king of Saudi Arabia, 12 years in power
GIRIJA PRASAD KOIRALA, 83, prime minister of Nepal, two current years in power
ABDOULAYE WADE, 81, president of Senegal, eight years in power
HOSNI MUBARAK, 79, president of Egypt, 26 years in power