Ethiopian News – Top Ten Issues That Dominated 2009
By Ezega Staff, Ezega News
Addis Ababa, December 28, 2009 ( – Year 2009 was a very busy year in Ethiopian News world. Many issues came and passed in quick succession in both Ethiopian online and print media. Some lingered on for much longer than others and commanded broader coverage in domestic and foreign media. In this article, we present some of the topics that we thought received more worldwide coverage and attention than others in 2009. They are listed here in no particular order.
- Meles Stepping Down – Various media outlets reported that Mel
Ethiopia’s Khat: Opportunity or Threat?
By Eden Habtamu, Ezega News
Addis Ababa, December 8, 2009 ( -- A dear friend of mine was trying to counsel his colleague by explaining chewing “Khat/Chat” may affect his health, personality, finance and generally his social life. The colleague replied quickly “what else shall I chew?” as if chewing is a must thing to do in life and he cannot live with out chewing.
Khat is becoming an important economic activity in Addis Ababa for traders and consumers. Khat affects mainl
Addis Ababa University: What do students say about Ethiopia’s premier institution?
By Eden Habtamu, Ezega news
Addis Ababa, September 21, 2009 ( -- Fifty nine years ago Addis Ababa got an educational institution named “University College of Addis Ababa”. It was later renamed Haile Selassie I University in 1962. It began operation with Science and Arts Faculties. In 1975 the university got it current name Addis Ababa University, and it currently it serving more than 400,000 students in its 25 Faculties or so. This number is a huge increase from the less than 50 students it once served within the department of Biology that granted diplomas an
Ethiopia's Teddy Afro Receives Joyous Welcome
By Eden Habtamu, Ezega News
.JPG) Addis Ababa, August 14, 2009 ( -- Unlike many ordinary days W/o Tilaye Arage’s (mother of Teddy Afro) house is crowded, full of families, relatives, fans
Connecting Ethiopia To The Future
By Eden Habtamu, Ezega News
Addis Ababa, July 29, 2009 -- These days, one of the last words many Ethiopian would like to hear is “Sorry, the subscriber that you have dialed is not in service area, please redial later”. And, of course, there is a second one from Ethiopian Telecom that is equally not pleasing: “Your account balance is low, please recharge soon”. By now, even the lady who recorded this message must be tired of hearing her own voice over and over again.
Ethiopia: Dark and Cold
By Eden Habtamu, Ezega News
Addis Ababa, July 13, 2009 ( -- In Ethiopia, the rainy season starts sometime in June. This year, Ethiopian cities are starting the season dark and cold. Many people are spending their after work times at various places: cafeterias, bars, restaurants, cinema halls, religious centers, and so on. They don’t have power in their homes to do whatever they used to do.
From Diaspora to Mega Business: The Story of Boston Partners

Photos: Kuriftu Resort and Spa in Debre Zeit owned and operated by Bost
One of the most classic buildings in Addis Ababa near completion
By Eden Habtamu, Ezega News
Architectural View of the New Building
Addis Ababa, July5, 2009 ( -- Addis Ababa is a 122 years old city. For much of this time, the city has been essentially a sleepy town. However, the past decade has been different. Construction boom came to the city and is changing the landscape completely. One can notice big buildings everywhere: office towers, business buildings, residential complexes, ring roads, and all kinds of roads. Addis Ababa is indeed changing.
Zumra Nuru: His Awramba Community and His Quest for Utopia
Zumra Nuru, the founder and Co-Chair of Awramba Community
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 4, 2009 ( -- Zumra Nuru never got a chance to go to school. He cannot read or write. However, as a child, he was a very inquisitive kid. When he was 2 years old, he questioned his mother about religion. One day, he ate a piece of meat from one of his Christian neighbors. This offended his Muslim family, including his mother. His mother snatched the meat from him and threw it away. He was very sorry and asked his mother, “why can’t I have that meat?”
Playing Piano with Forehead, Chin, Elbow and Foot?
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia April 27, 2009 ( – Geteye Abebaw is a young piano player with special skills. He can play the piano with his finge
A New Feature Film – “Guzow”

Photos: Actor Robera, Shiwangizaw, Belgnesh, and Actress Lidya; Director Aida
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 7, 2009 ( -- Film Producer, Director, and Editor Aida Ashenafi has been in the film business for the past 15 years. She has been working in New York, United States, for 6 years, and here in Addis Ababa for 9 years. She is a
Banja Woreda’s White Flag

Photo: Health Extension Program Celebration, Banja Woreda, Amhara, Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 7, 2009 ( -- Banja Woreda (District) is located in Awi zone of the Amhara region, 120km on the way from Bahir Dar to Addis Ababa. We visited the place recently and observed the sanitation and hygiene condition in a trip organized by Water Aid Ethiopia and WASH Ethiopia Movement, non-governmental o
The Prince of Ethiopian Theatre: Interview with Actor, Director and Playwright Alemayehu Tadesse

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 29, 2009 ( -- Theatre is one medium where actors show their art face to face with their audience and share their feelings (sadness, happiness, affection, etc.) on stage. They play their character in front of their audience and receive instant feedback.
Gizachew Wale: Blind and “Weyala”
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 28, 2009 ( -- Working as “Weyala” (Minibus Taxi Conductor) in Addis Ababa is not easy. You got to get in and get out while the taxi is still speeding. You must call people to ride with you at every stop and all day long - yelling "Yemola!, Yemola!" (meaning, taxi full and ready to go). And you do this while consuming the dust and fume from Addis Ababa’s polluted roads and streets. This is a hard job for anyone, but a lot harder if you are blind. Meet Gizachew Wale who is probably the only blind “Weyala” in town.
Male Journalists Asked to Speak Up on Women Issues
Panel participants at forum organized by EMWA
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 10, 2009 ( -- Ethiopian Media Women Association (EMWA) organized a panel discussion on March 7, 2009, at Ghion Hotel. The participants included male media members and guests from Tanzania and Kenya. The issue was journalists’ attitude towards women and coverage of violence against women. EMWA wants to change the prevailing attitude and coverage on women issues in the country.
Despite Economic Crisis, AACCSA Organizes Successful Trade Fair
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 5, 2009 ( -- Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and SectoralAssociation (AACCSA) organized the 13th Addis Chamber international trade fair from February 26 to March 3, 2009, at the Addis Ababa Exhibition Centre. At the closing of the international trade fair, AACCSA invited all participants of the trade fair to Addis Ababa Hilton Hotel and awarded certificates of appreciation to the participants. “Best Stand” aw
Leave No Woman Behind Campaign to launch on International Women’s Day
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 5, 2009 ( -- UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is organizing an event to launch a national campaign to promote the Leave No Woman Behind (LNWB) program initiated in July 2008. The LNWB program was developed by UNFPA and World Food Program (WFP) to address gender equality issues and women’s empowerment objectives. In partnership with the UN Resident Coordinator’s Office and the Government of Ethiopia, including the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, and the lead government coordinator of the program, the Ministry of Women Affairs, LNWB will be implemented over 3 years in ten districts in Amhara and Tigray regions. The program’s US$7.5 million budget is pr
Miss Buna 2009 Contest Held in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 4, 2009 ( -- The “Miss Buna 2009” of Ethiopia competition was held on Saturday, February 28, 2009, at the National Theater in Addis Ababa. In this competition, a total
Addis Ababa City Banning English as Medium of Instruction in Primary Schools
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 3, 2009 ( -- Addis Ababa Education Bureau has a new regulation that bans English as medium of instruction in primary level private schools. According to Education Bureau Head, Ato Gezahegn Abate, the regulation will be applied soon to all private primary schools in Addis Ababa from grades 1 to 6.
Ato Gezahegn further added that all private schools are currently focused on English language as a medium of instruction for teaching subjects like mathematics, science, ethics, and others. “Our office learnt that many private schools are teaching their students in English so that they can compete in the job market. However, we believe that these schools can teach Eng
Meet Dr. Belay Abegaz, Founder of Ethiopia's First Cardiac Center
Photos: Dr. Belay Abegaz (left); Cardiac Center - Ethiopia (right)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, March 1, 2009 ( -- The First Cardiac Center in Ethiopia was inaugurated on February 12, 2009. This nonprofit hospital specializes in heart diseases and is especially committed to helping children with Cardiac problems. interviewed Dr. Belay Abegaz, the founder and Board Chairman of Children’s Heart Fund of Ethiopia. Dr Belay studied medicine