ZTE Installing New Fiber Optic Network in Ethiopia

New Fiber Optics installed in EthiopiaOctober 8, 2011 - The Chinese telecom company, ZTE, plans to complete work on new fiber optic network sometime in 2012, according to the Reporter. The network is being installed at cost of USD 1.5 billion.

According to Reporter, Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Debretsion Gebremichael (PhD) said that the current network connection problem is partly attributed to the pending integration of the ZTE’s network with the existing one. Ethio Telecom’s CEO, Jean Michel Latute, also confirmed that Chinese network is being closely monitored as it joins the existing infrastructure.

Networking problems will greatly ease as soon as this new network becomes operational.

Ethio Telecom will have1424 km of the fiber ground wire, which is going to be laid down by EEPCO. The new network wire is said to be much stronger and more tolerant to disruptions caused by constructions and accidents.          



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