November 23, 2012 - One week prior to the presidential election in the United States, Barack Obama’s campaign team contacted Ottawa entrepreneur Alem Legesse to help with last minute efforts to seduce key swing states, according to Ottawa Business Journal.
Mr. Legesse, founder of social media agency Syncrodata, had been tweeting to his thousands of followers about Mr. Obama’s book titled Dreams from My Father, drafting miniature chapter reviews in 140 characters or less.
It caught the attention of Democratic social media campaigners, who asked Mr. Legesse if he would continue to support Mr. Obama with tweets around the election.
Supplied with photos of the president and information about polling stations, Mr. Legesse joined the campaign trail in the last moments of the 2012 presidential election.
When the results finally rolled in, Mr. Legesse tweeted that it “feels great to be on the right side of history.”
Standing at a booth at TechLinks, a technology company showcase hosted by, Mr. Legesse proudly told his tale.
“It was historical,” he said of the experience.
He was one of 24 startups showing off their technology at the event hosted at the Ottawa Convention Centre on Thursday.