August 12, 2017 - Germany lifted its travel advisory for Ethiopia citing the lift of emergency by the Ethiopian parliament on August 4, 2017. The Ethiopian government imposed the state of emergency in October 2016 to quell spreading anti-government protests in two main regions of Ethiopia, Amhara and Oromia.
‘‘Holiday trips off the main routes, into the Oromia and Amhara regions should be carefully weighed. On the main routes (Axum, Mekele, Bahir Dar, Gondar, Lalibela, Dire Dawa, Arba Minch, Konso, Jinka) travel is possible without problems,’‘the statement regarding Ethiopia read.
The German foreign ministry’s message issued, however, asked citizens to carefully weigh trips off routes into the two states in question. They further cautioned citizens to review their personal security and to stay away from places of conflict and to avoid crowds while they are in Ethiopia.
It also warned of ‘‘increasingly violent and partial fatal collisions between the two ethnic groups’‘in the border area of the Oromo- and Somali regions. The two groups have reportedly being clashing since early 2017, despite the Ethiopian government denies the report.
‘‘The areas concerned are Guji, Bale, Borena, Hararghe and West Guji. Travelers are advised to avoid these areas,’‘ the statement cautioned.
The United States in its latest travel advisory on Ethiopia reported of intense fighting in the country’s east. They said the fighting had made a key road linking the east to Addis Ababa umpassable.
In its response, the government said there were only sporadic clashes in the region between the Oromos and Somalis but not ‘intense fighting’ as the US sought to portray.
Source: Africa News