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FAQ | FAQ Ezega Real Estate

FAQ - Real Estate

* How do I Create an account on Ezega Realestate?
* How do I Post a property?
* How do I Find a property and contact the owners?
* How do I View/Edit/Remove my property?
* How do I Know when I have prospective buyers?
* How do I Edit my profile?
* How do I Change my password?
* I Registered but I cannot login, what do I do?

* All Unanswered Questions

How do I create a new Ezega Realestate account?
* You can create an Ezega Real Estate account in three easy steps:
o Open Ezega Home page, in the login box click ‘New User’
o Fill in the required information and click ‘Submit’ Button. Make sure to enter correct values in all fields.
o You will be notified of an activation Email being sent to your registered Email account. Go to your email account, open the new email sent to you from Ezega Real Estate and click the activation link. That will take you back to Ezega Home where you can login for the first time. You can choose to check ‘Remember Me’ to automatically login next time you open the Ezega Home.
* You can also create your new account by clicking the ‘Register’ button from the Ezega Real Estate page. Then, you can follow the same procedure stated above.
Note that once you create an Ezea account, you can use it for Classifieds, Shopping, Jobs, and so on.

How do I post a property on Ezega Realestate?
* First login and then on the menu to the left click ‘Post a property’. You’ll find four tabs. Complete all fields in each tab and click next to pass to the next tab. Finally submit and exit. Do not forget to check the ‘make sure my property is visible to all members box in the finish tab.

How do I find a property on Ezega Real Estate?
* You can use ‘property listings’ from the top menu which lists latest properties for sale or for rent.
* You can also use the Search facility:
o Specify your parameters from the combo boxes in the search box to the right and hit ‘Search’.
o Alternatively you can use ‘Advanced Search’ where you can finetune your search by specifying more parameters.
* After you find a property you are interested in, click ‘View Property’ for details. Available actions after that are sending a message to the owner using PMB (Personal Message Board) or adding the property to your favourites list folder.

How do I View /Edit / Remove my property from Ezega Real Estate?
* Click on the ‘property listing’ button on the right side menu. All available options are listed for each property on a horizontal line. Pick your choice from view, edit, close and delete property options.

How do I know when I have prospective buyers?
* You’ll receive a message on your ‘private message board’. You can check for new messages by clicking ‘My account’ or ‘private message board’ links both of which are located on the left menu.

How do I edit my profile?
* Use the ‘Edit Profile’ button at the left after you login. Fill in your ‘Personal Details’, click next to ‘Preferences’ and finally confirm, save and exit.

How do I change my password?
* Use the ‘Change password’ button at the left after you login. You’ll be asked to enter your old password, your new password and confirm your new password.

I Registered but I cannot login, what do I do?
* If you are registered but you cannot login, it may be due to one of several reasons:
o You did not check your email and click the activation link that was sent to you by Please access your email (such as Yahoo, Google, etc.). Some mailers may consider the email sent by as Spam and put it in the Spam folder, rather than the Inbox. In that case, please check all the Folders on the left of your email menu. Open the email sent by and click the registration confirmation link. That will complete your registration process.
o You provided incorrect passord or username. Please use the Forgot password feature and recover your username/password information.
o You attempted to login many times unsuccessfully and your account has been frozen. Please send email to

All Unanwered Questions
* For all other questions not included in this FAQ, please contat us at .


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